I had to ply it.
I spun some more Blue Leicester tonight on the 2nd bobbin, and I just HAD to ply it. Plying is where you really get to see how well you did. Sort of like when you’re cooking – it can LOOK good, but it’s the eating that tells the final story. Plying lets you see the yarn as it comes together.
And I’m really happy with the results. Especially considering that the 1st time I even touched a spinning wheel was less than 3 weeks ago.
In this picture it looks more gray, that’s just the light. It’s really a taupe-ish brown. You can see how even the plied strands are, and looking to be about DK weight. Perfect! Once I’ve set the spin (by soaking in hot water & then letting it hang dry) I’ll do the wrap test to see where it really falls.
Until tomorrow.