Today with the merino was much better than yesterday. After looking at yesterday’s plied result, I decided to use a little less spin with the next singles and plying. I think that will work better, and we’ll see in another day or two when I ply again.
I just have to remember to slow down, be meticulous with my drafting, and keep a VERY light touch with the hand holding the fiber. I was able to start to enjoy the fiber itself and appreciate how it feels to work with. I see why merino is called “fine wool” – the fibers are very thin and soft.
Until tomorrow.
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Bea-u-ti-ful Ann! Way to go!! Could you do a video of this process with the Merino? This is super exciting:)
Thanks! I’ve actually thought that spinning would make a good Vine (6 sec loop). The tricky part would be the camera placement. I’ll think about it some more.