Fiber that Makes Me Go Mmmmm

I had a very tough time deciding what my next spinning project should be. There’s all the lovely stuff I brought home from SAFF, plus all the lovely stuff I got at our new Columbia shop Luna Lola (also at And no, I have not yet posted about my visit there on opening day! Once I take photos of that stash I will post.

Anyway, what to spin next? Silk? Yak/Silk? Merino and play with fractal spinning? Learn a new spinning technique for wool? I have to say that I’ve had enough wool for a little while, after the last batt. And I have some really interesting shawl knitting patterns that I’m dying to spin for. Shawls do well with yarns that have drape and sheen, so, Yak/silk it is.

In particular, I’ve decided on 2 braids I got at SAFF this year plus the green yak/silk I got there the year before. I’ve spun three samples at fingering weight so I can see how they look together. I think the results are speak for themselves!

3 colors of Yak/Silk blend - Alfalfa green, Deep Sea, and South Pacific

3 colors of Yak/Silk blend twisted together – Alfalfa green, Deep Sea, and South Pacific

Separate 2-ply skeins of the Yak/Silk blend – Alfalfa green, Deep Sea, and South Pacific


The individual fibers:

Yak/Silk 50/50 from Lisa Souza Dyeworks

“Deep Sea” Yak/Silk 50/50 from Lisa Souza Dyeworks

Yak/Silk 50/50 from Lisa Souza Dyeworks

“South Pacific” Yak/Silk 50/50 from Lisa Souza Dyeworks

Yak/Silk blend - Alfalfa Green

“Alfalfa Green” Yak/Silk 50/50 blend from Abstract Fiber

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4 Responses to Fiber that Makes Me Go Mmmmm

  1. These are beautiful together Ann. Can’t wait to see (and touch) when finished!

  2. Pingback: Alfalfa Green  | Silvergrrl Arts

  3. Lois McCracken says:

    I wet to Luna Lola yesterday. Yes, the yarn and fibers were beautiful. Of course, I added to my stash! Your work is beautiful!

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