My Daily Spin – Moving on

I have finished the last of the green fusion merino. It’s plied, soaked, and almost dry now. My desire to make it thicker worked, but I won’t do the WPI and know how much until it’s dry. I think I will also do a grist comparison between this and previous skeins. Say what? Grist is a measurement of density. Basically its pounds-per-inch. Along with WPI, it’s useful information about your yarn.

I had to think some about what to spin next. I decided on a merino-silk blend that I did a quick sample of a few weeks ago, it makes a stripey barber-pole type effect in the singles and has a tweedy look when you knit it. The sample I did before kind of “greyed” out to the eye – in other words, a lot of the color variation blended to look grey. Like with the merino, I’m deliberately spinning this thicker, so I’ll be interested to see of that makes a difference in the knitted result.

You can see the stripes in the roving and in the spun singles on the bobbin here.

Until next time.


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