My Daily Spin – the Silkening

I have been taken by surprise. This is my second day spinning silk to fine singles. Silk is a little tricky, but honestly no more difficult than merino, at least to me. As long as I take it slow, I’m fine.

So what’s the surprise? How much I am loving the “silky” feel of the fibers as they go through my fingers. I didn’t expect to like it that much, but I now have a whole new appreciation for the source of that adjective.

So now I’m pumped because I have a BUNCH of silk to spin – the rest of this Tussah silk, a pound of sari silk (yes, from recycled saris, very colorful) and an 18.2 oz. silk lap. Cool. See the pictures below.

Until tomorrow.


Tussah Silk, fiber and spun singles


Sari Silk


Silk Lap, spread out on the king bed for size reference

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2 Responses to My Daily Spin – the Silkening

  1. Catherine Baker says:

    This is exciting Ann! Way to go & keep on spinning!!! Will you ever sell your yarn?

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