Real Food Sunday – I Miss My CSA Deliveries!

Who would have thought that in less than a year I would have fallen so

Organic NC turnips from Whole Foods

Organic NC turnips from Whole Foods

deeply in love with that huge variety of delicious veggies?

We are in the gap now between the first and second season – I think deliveries start again next month and I can’t wait. I’ve been on my own since early July. And I have to tell you, I really let myself get into a rut. Sauteed greens and roasted butternut squash make for marvelous lunches, but after 3 weeks in a row, well, it’s time for something different.

This week I made mashed turnips with bacon and chives. The turnips are in the picture with this post – aren’t they gorgeous? And I wish I could include their amazing spicy smell with this for you. The recipe could not be easier. Peel & chop the turnips, boil them until tender, drain, mash, and add chives, crumbled bacon, and some parmesan. For creaminess you can add milk, butter, or plain yogurt as you prefer. Salt & pepper to taste.

I also lightly sauteed some onion, zucchini, and chopped Early Girl tomatoes, seasoned with salt and oregano. Delicious.

Soon, I won’t have wander the produce section trying to decide what and how much I need. Each week for 12 weeks Pinckney’s Produce will deliver a big box of delicious freshness to my workplace and I just have to take them home and have fun. If you live in SC and haven’t tried this, I encourage you to consider it. You can find them at  or

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