My Daily Spin – Day 119

I was really glad to get to my wheel today. It is the most relaxing activity I do these days. The Merino Fusion feels pretty normal to me now, I cruise right along with it. I’ve discovered that if I split it up into little pencil-sized strips (aka pencil roving) it makes life pretty easy.

I’m considering doing something a bit different when I finish this batch of 3-ply. I won’t be done with the merino yet, but I think I might spin something else for a bit, just to try some of the other lovely fibers I have. Either some really lovely dyed Blue-Faced Leicester, or a silk-merino blend.

Until next time.

Dyed Blue-Faced Leicester

Dyed Blue-Faced Leicester – will this be the next wool I spin?

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One Response to My Daily Spin – Day 119

  1. Catherine Baker says:

    I can’t wait to hear what your decision will be in your next spin!! I’m excited:)

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