Nim Li Punit and Ms. Pearleen’s

Today’s adventure was a visit to the Nim Li Punit Mayan Ruin, which is known for its huge carved stelae, or stone slabs and columns. Our guide, Gilbert, walked us around it all – the ceremonial areas, the pok-ta-pok court, the residences and tombs. One large area held stones that mark the solstices and equinoxes – that panorama photo is one of today’s pictures, along with one of the stelae.

After we finished at Nim Li Punit, we went on the the Rio Blanco National Park, where we hiked a short trail to a lovely waterfall. The day finished up with lunch at Pearleen’s Restaurant. This buffet of local food was delicious, and included freshly made watermelon juice. Ms. Pearleen sat with us and chatted as we ate. 

Tomorrow, we are taking a boat trip on the Monkey River. 

Above, the seasonal markers, with Mick for scale. 

Carved stela at Nim Li Punit    The waterfall at Rio Blanco      

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One Response to Nim Li Punit and Ms. Pearleen’s

  1. Nancy Leicht says:


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