Wednesday, April 25, 2012
It was another driving day. After a final breakfast at Café Milagro of Rainforest Crepes (chocolate & banana, yum), we hung out on our terrace for a final lovely hour then finished packing up and headed out.
The drive to San José was pretty uneventful. We had lunch half-way there (or so) at Outback Jack’s in Puntarenas. Yes, it’s run by an Australian couple. There were all sorts of interesting sculptures and odd found objects – very colorful, as you can see from the pictures. Not to mention the hundreds of pairs of glasses, which the owner had been gifted with and put to good use.
We got gas once we got into the city, as the car rental people were coming to the hotel to pick it up, and of course they charge a fortune if the tank isn’t full. Then it was a tricky navigation among many one way streets to find our hotel, the Don Carlos. It’s a lovely old hotel with an interesting history, which I’ll tell you tomorrow.
It’s much cooler here than it was at the coast; it’s a relief not to be sweaty any more. I relaxed for a while in the room while Mick went to find his favorite cigar shop. After he came back, we went to the Super Mercado and got some juice, water, and yes, more piña empanadas. Then it was off to Kalú for dinner, one of our favorite restaurants from our last visit. We cruised their shop, which has beautiful items by local artists, then had a lovely dinner. I practiced my Spanish on the waitress and was pretty successful.
After dinner, we took a quick stroll on Avenida Central, but the shops were closing up so we only went a couple of blocks to the big square. We noticed right away that there is a new-since-last-May police tower at one corner of the square with two officers surveying the square and street. Interesting.
Tomorrow: hanging out in the big city.