I love texture. The look, the feel, of THINGS. Soft, rough, slick, nubbly, velvety, tweedy color mixes & stripes, sheen, all of it. When I first contemplated spinning, I was not thinking about the fact that I get to touch all these fibers.
Serendipity is the accidental encounter with something wonderful while seeking something else. In learning to spin, I’m not even sure what I was looking for. I just knew that I needed to do it. That creative impulse, to make something beautiful. And in this case, practical, because I can make things out of the result.
Who knew that I would love the solid yet velvety feel of Falklands? Enjoy the fine texture of merino, and the drapey sweetness of Blue-faced Leicester? Get to experience, up close, how blending silk with merino, and with Blue-faced Leicester, change them into something totally new? And of course, I’ve been going on about silk, all by itself, all week.
In today’s picture, I used the flash to highlight the beautiful sheen of the silk.
Until next time.
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