I’m just keeping my head down these days, trying to get through my days peacefully. One of my cats has been missing for weeks now, presumed dead or moved on to a new family. Good-bye, Mr. Beekman. My car has a problem with its ventilation system that several visits to the shop and hundreds of $$ have not yet fixed. Good-bye, any confidence I have in that shop. My employer just informed me that I will be required to work 60-hour weeks, starting at the end of June for the following eight weeks, including travel to Buffalo NY for 3 of those weeks in a row. Good-bye, personal life until the middle of August.
The only bright spot is HoopPath, coming up at the end of June. One long weekend of escapist joy. Thank God I arranged for that vacation long ago.
And of course, my amazing, wonderful husband. I would have imploded long ago without him.